Sunday, March 6, 2011

Response Post: JB as JC

     I strongly agree with what you are saying. Justin Bieber does not truly know what it is like to live as these children in third world countries do. The fact that he is using these images in his music video to solicit emotions within its viewers is controversial and also unfair. Think using the images of these poverty-stricken children Bieber is making more money. How ironic.

     I wrote a similar post about Bieber. In mine however, I don't blame Bieber for his actions so much as his marketing and PR team. They are the true machines behind him. He is nothing more than a puppet for what they tell him to do and say in order to make money. Of course at his age one should know right from wrong but many people do not see what he is doing as wrong, especially him. He must think that if he is making money and that if anything, even a little of it is going towards those that need help then he must be doing something altruistic.

     Furthermore, you mentioned that he is donating proceeds from his ticket sails to a charity because "he knows what it's like to be poor". I understand that he grew up in a single parent home and he may not have had everything other middle class children had. Despite this, he was living in Canada at the time. Stratford, Ontario to be exact. While it is not pleasant having less than others around you, I'm sure he was nowhere near the level of poverty the kids in his video are at. Even if he were, Canada has many options for people to get help and support if they are in such a case, whereas the countries depicted in the video probably do not compare in this respect.

     Don't hate Bieber. He's a kid with newfound fame and doing what he's told. Many people would do the same in his situation. It could be worse. He could be the next Marilyn Manson. I doubt anyone would consider him Canada's sweetheart then.

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