Monday, March 28, 2011

Do Zombies Make Us More Relgious?

Zombies are an interesting bunch. They're dead but they run after you. Their hearts don't beat but they wish to eat your brains and they can no longer enunciate proper words but they want to create more of their kind by biting anyone they can get their hands on. They're kind of an enigma which further makes me think that in a certain light a zombie apocalypse would be kind of fun. No? Pretend you never read that.

It got me thinking though, if this happened and the world went 28 Days Later on us minus Danny Boyle directing everything would we change? I mean, of course we'd change in some ways. Canned beans would be a delicacy and we'd surely be a lot more independent but in a religious sense would be change? Would the truly pious lose all faith in their respective religions because of this ungodly event and would the former atheists suddenly develop an interest in saving grace of God?

     Television shows and movies rarely show us events happening in such a way. Usually the religious get more so while the ones who never had faith do not see how anyone could in the given circumstances. Obviously the reversal of roles would be more difficult to depict in what is probably an already complicated story yet it would make for some interesting analysis and progression of character.

     We did not see much talk of religion in the episode of "The Walking Dead" we watched in class yet as someone mentioned there are religious characters in the show and some seem to clearly have it be the furthest thing from their minds. In such a hectic time when survival from blood spewing, organ flailing wretched creatures is the most important thing does religion have a strong role anymore? It's interesting how the answer can go in both ways and be the reason for some people to even keep going and yet for others it is not even something they dream of (with rifle in hand in case one of those suckers gets near).


  1. Would the truly pious lose all faith in their respective religions because of this ungodly event and would the former atheists suddenly develop an interest in saving grace of God?

    I definitely did not see that question addressed in “The Walking Dead” or in other monster movies I have watched. In the panic and chaos of what’s going on all around them, the last thing I have noticed is characters turning to religion. At the same time, I have not seen characters denying God and turning away from Him. In fact, I wonder very much how we as people would react in the event that zombies (or any other monsters) took over our world.

    Religion is a huge part of the vast majority of people’s lives. How different would a struggle against monsters be compared to struggles we face every day? Could we predict that people who turn to religion in times of current struggles would turn to God if our world was overtaken by zombies? And then would those who do not believe in God remain in their belief that God does not exist? I do not know if this will be the case, or if our beliefs would flip completely.

    What I think is interesting, and would like to note, is that both types of people believe the other group will switch beliefs. The God-fearing people believe that the people who have yet to believe in God will suddenly realize that God is real. And the people who deny God’s existence appear to think that those who believe in God will lose faith in what they believe. This is what my impression is from talking to others.

    Makes me think about what would happen, if it is even possible, for the world to end.

  2. Hey Jackie,

    Here is my response to your post:

  3. Loved that question. Here's a quick response I wrote.
