Sunday, February 13, 2011

Response Post: Jesus' many looks


Eric's post on the different depictions of Jesus were very interesting. It's funny how one man whose story is the same to everyone can look so differently within cultures. I always picture Jesus not as a baby nor wearing a tuxedo t-shirt as some might. I see him as a Caucasian man with long brown hair, brown eyes and a beard. This is probably the most depicted of all Jesus but most certainly not the only one.

From Kozlovic's article I realized that many of the attributes that constitute Jesus' identity are not merely physical aspects. Jesus can be personified within an object as the house which he mentions in Woddy Allen's September and even animals! If they have those qualities about them such as kindness, the want for change and the ability for salvation then anything or anyone can be Christ-like.

Most people don't think of Jesus as a woman, yet Kozlovic mentions numerous films where the female protagonists are very Christ-like. One he doesn't talk about yet I have before is Kevin Smith's film Dogma. He depicts God as a woman, (as played by Alanis Morisette). Even though it isn't Jesus being portrayed, it is still someone very close to him (or her) and the ultimate religious figure which few people would consider female.

In fact, many times a Christ-like figure is depicted in films, books, and even comics. This can strongly shape the way people think of Jesus because of all the allusions made to him via Superheroes, cute animals and even architecture.

In conclusion, Jesus can look like anything you imagine as long as it follows the characteristics that Kozlovic explains and the outcome is always a redeeming one.

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