Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Response Post: Art is wonderful no matter how many times you've Googled it

     I believe Arianna has valid points to her argument that the availability of having artwork viewable online at anytime can take away from the surprise of seeing it in person, yet I do think  that the ability to view such work in the comfort of one's own home is more of a benefit than a disadvantage.

     For many people it is difficult to take off time from work and school to travel extensively. The cost can also be a factor holding some people back. There are so many beautiful works in the world however and while we may never be able to see all of them online or not, it is definitely an aid to be able to view and study them over a computer. If it were not for this easy access we would be lacking in what the world of art has to offer. Not only would many people not be able to see such works, yet so many would be ignored or not even known about.

     Personally, I am grateful for the information I am exposed to because I know that many of these pieces I will never see and while in an ideal situation I could have these works up in my living room (or maybe see them in their habitats), the fact that I can type in "Mona Lisa" into Google and see her in all her glory makes me feel alright about the sad but harsh truth. (Though for the record I have seen the Mona Lisa in reality and she's very popular. It was hard to get near her).

     When it comes to the element of surprise, I have to say that no matter how many times you see something on a computer screen, whether it is a photo or a video if you really desire to see something in person it will be amazing nonetheless. The best example I can give of this is when I saw my favourite band for the first time. I had liked them for about three years and had watched and viewed possibly every photo in existence and made available to the public of them. Despite that they didn't play many shows I always knew I would see them perform live. Call it a delusion or wishful thinking but my interest in them was so great that I could not fathom never seeing them. Finally when the day that I went to their show came and the lead singer walked on stage I was in shock. I didn't think it would hit me so hard but I was awestruck for a few seconds and then I simply enjoyed the music.

     Despite teenage me searching, reading and viewing this band many times, when I had the opportunity to do it in person it was unlike any other experience I previously had in relation to them and their music. It was simply the best, and no amount of Google or Youtube searching took away any of the luster from the experience.

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